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Advanced Freediver Course


When you are already a freediver, beat your time of static apnea or your personal record of depth is always a great challenge accompanied by an incredible illusion. Satisfy that personal desire for self-improvement, every time you do it better and you are getting better at what you like so much.

Our PADI ADVANCED FREEDIVER course is designed to meet that personal need of improvement and to refine our freediving techniques. This Advanced Freediver course will help us to progress slowly while learning how react our body with the depth during an apnea dive. Minimum age 15 years.


This is already a refresher course of freediving. The Advanced Freediver course will allow you to explore up to 20 meters deep doing dynamic apnea with a single breath. You will learn to improve yourself and you will progress slowly while you learn how your body adapts to deep apnea. To register for this Advanced Freediver course, you need previous experience as a freediver and a minimum age of 15 years, in addition to being in perfect health for freediving. You will learn about self-control, relaxation, static apnea and advanced dynamic apnea.

Curso Advanced FreeDiver



  • Development of knowledge about the theoretical foundations necessary for the practice of freediving and freediving safely.
  • Plan, organize and make safe dives in freediving up to 20 meters.
  • Ballasting techniques for that depth
  • Breathing techniques that improve your skills.
  • Relaxation techniques that will improve your skills.
  • Advanced compensation techniques.
  • Appropriate techniques and procedures to control, help and rescue your diving partner in freediving
  • Training session in confined water where you will improve the techniques of static apnea and dynamic apnea, objectives: 2 minutes and 30 seconds of static apnea and 50 meters of diving in dynamic apnea
  • Training sessions in open waters where you will practice free immersions and freedives with constant weight holding your breath and reslaizando dynamic apneas up to 20 meters deep

If your goal is to enjoy as freediver in open water, start your course today. You just have to contact us to plan your training and reserve your dates. Our expert Freediving PADI instructors are waiting for you.

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